How To Disable New WhatsApp Status Feature From Any Android Phone!

How To Disable New WhatsApp Status Feature From Any Android Phone!

We all love using WhatsApp because of its simplicity, But if you’ve updated to the latest version of the app recently then you’ll probably have seen this new annoying Straight up copy from one of Facebook’s other apps “WhatsApp Status”. Now, if you’re one of those guys who find this feature utterly useless or straight up crap and you want to get rid of it (Like me). Here’s a short little guide on how you can disable this feature. 

How To Disable WhatsApp Status – Guide

How To Disable WhatsApp Status - Guide


  • In order to do this, your phone must be ROOTED If you don’t what that means check out this post
  • You can use Any Root File Explorer for this though I recommend using Root Explorer


1: First thing to do is go to App settings & Force Stop WhatsApp before proceeding. This will keep the app from misbehaving while editing its source code.

2:  If you’re using Root-Explorer, go to /data/data/com.whatsapp/shared_prefs/com.whatsapp_preferences.xml & open the .xml file. 

3: In the file editor search for the key name:status_mode and edit its value from ‘1’ and set it to ‘0’. This is essentially telling the app to don’t use the status mode when loading the app. 

If you’re having a hard time finding the line, This is how it looks.

<int name="status_mode" value="1"/>

Edit it to:

<int name="status_mode" value="0"/>

4: Now when you open the app the feature should be long gone… Now, enjoy your life if you have one.

On a side note, This method currently works on version 2.17.81. This may or may not work with future WhatsApp updates. So if you find the same problem again, consider repeating the steps above. 

And That’s It! 

Anyways, That’s it from me. My name is Akash, and I hope you’ve found this post helpful! And if you did please subscribe to our tech newsletter because we publish posts like these every day! And if news-letters not your thing. We’re also on twitter & facebook So follow us there as well.

Thanks For reading and have a nice day! #StayAwesomeStayTechie 

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